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Use Fastify to Handle Lambda Invocations #2546 external link

Up until this release, we handled Lambda invocations with custom functions which forced us to do lots of manual checks and event normalization. With this version, we switched all event routing and normalization to Fastify external link. It will allow us to easily switch to other clouds in the future, since Fastify is now responsible for event normalization, and within Webiny, we now use a standard request object.

This change will also help us refactor the system to use one Lambda function for handling of various GraphQL schemas, and share the entire Webiny context (all app SDKs) within a single Lambda event lifecycle. This means easier maintenance, easier customization, easier integration with various Webiny lifecycle events, etc.

To find out more about the new handlers, read our Routes and Events article.

Make All S3 Buckets Private #2558 external link

For many users, this will be a long-awaited feature. All Webiny S3 buckets are now configured to be private. CloudFront now uses OriginAccessIdentity to request files from S3. With this approach, S3 bucket webhosting has to be turned off, and to replace some features provided by it, we had to add a Cloudfront Function to the website delivery distribution, to take care of website routing.

All buckets are privateAll buckets are private
(click to enlarge)
Projects created before Webiny 5.29.0 release will not be automatically upgraded, and will not benefit from this feature. However, all projects created with Webiny 5.29.0 and greater, will automatically have their infrastructure reconfigured to private buckets, once they upgrade to 5.31.0.

Upgrade to React 17 #2561 external link

We’ve finally upgraded to React 17! 🎉 The upgrade process will update your package.json dependencies to resolve to React 17, so you shouldn’t need to do anything manually.

File Manager

Handle Download of Large Files #2577 external link

We’ve improved the logic for handling of large files within the File Manager download Lambda function. File Manager now supports files of unlimited size. If files are too large to be served directly from a Lambda function, a 301 redirect will be issued to a presigned URL, with temporary credentials to allow the browser to access the file in the private bucket.

Shout out to gil-3bd external link for reporting this issue! 🍻 🙏

Request is redirected to a presigned URLRequest is redirected to a presigned URL
(click to enlarge)


Assign Proper Lambda Execution Roles in prod Setup #2585 external link

Some Lambda functions related to Prerendering Service, in the production setup, were not configured correctly in regard to their execution roles and VPC. These are now fixed, and you can deploy your project using --env=prod, and have it running successfully in a VPC.

Shout out for goes to ian-lmry external link for reporting this issue! 🙌

Disable Cache Control on Website Preview index.html #2575 external link

This was a very peculiar bug to debug, since it had to do with browser cache and puppeteer 😩 The problem is that, when the website app is deployed, all static assets would get the Cache-Control headers set on every S3 bucket object, including the index.html, which doesn’t include the content hash in the file name. This would cause puppeteer to always load the old, cached, application. This means that your deployed code changes wouldn’t be immediately visible.

With this release, the index.html file on the website preview URL is no longer cached, so all deployed code changes are immediately visible on the app preview URL, and the Prerendering Service also loads the latest version of the website app.

Shout out goes to pikkolojoe external link for spotting and reporting this bug! ❤️


Add Support for Custom React Apps #2569 external link

We’ve added new utilities to quickly spin up custom React apps, build, deploy, and link them to existing infrastructure. Under the hood, the infrastructure is configured for you in form of a Cloudfront distribution and a private S3 bucket, with the complete deployment process, and file upload plugins preconfigured.

The documentation article is in the works, and will be published shortly.

Use puppeteer-core to Skip Chromium Download #2587 external link

Several users reported issues with the installation of puppeteer library on Apple M1 processors. Since we don’t really need the chromium binary on our local machines, we replaced the puppeteer package with puppeteer-core, which doesn’t download chromium at all. This makes the installation faster and eliminates the possibility of binary incompatibilities across various operating systems and hardware architectures.

Set GODEBUG Variable for Apple M1 #2581 external link

Terraform (used internally by Pulumi), has some issues external link with Apple M1 processors, and the fix is to set the GODEBUG environment variable to a specific value in your terminal of choice. To automate this fix for all our users, we now set this variable automatically whenever we’re executing the Pulumi CLI.

CI/CD Scaffold Improvements (#2586 external link)

For this release, we’ve also revisited the existing CI/CD scaffold, which sets up essential CI/CD workflows for your Webiny project.

The main improvement we’ve implemented is the ability to use the scaffold with any type of a GitHub account and repository. Previously, the scaffold only worked with public repositories and private repositories under a GitHub Enterprise account.

The scaffold’s documentation has also been updated, so make sure to check it out if you’ll be giving the scaffold another chance.